Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Costume Smorgasbord - Part One

Rather than delve back into every single costume I have ever made, I've decided to just throw a few on here with a very basic overview. It's funny (and a little embarrassing) to go back and see where you started!

Outlaw Bustle Gown
Burda 1888. This one was so much fun to wear! No changes made to the pattern except trimmings and fabric choices. Cotton broadcloth and Chinese gimp trim. I even had a small bustle pad that went with it. This dress was made for robbing trains and stage coaches. I have since sold it on eBay. 

 Gold Rush Days
This was the fist accurate (ish) gown I made, for Gold Rush Days in Old Sacramento. The pattern was Simplicity 7212 with Simplicity 4400 sleeves. I remember it being a good pattern, and I really want to get it out and make it again now my skills have improved. Cotton broadcloth, no cartridge pleats. (because those scare me).
Past Pattern #704
LOVE this bodice pattern! No darts, just easy princess seams, and easy to fit. Wore this for a whole year at Gaskells and loved it to death. Shiny/poly fabric, super simple gown. My sister's medieval gown is from the SF Opera, and fit her perfectly!

Blue Ball Gown
This was my first ballgown for my first Gaskell Ball. Past Patterns #704 again, with different sleeves and some slight changes. Blue cotton, because I didn't know what I was doing back then. O.o
Esmeralda Costume at the Fancy Dress Ball
A last-minute idea and just throw together from other costumes. Fun to dance barefoot! (Where's my goat?)
Fancy Dress Ball
Wendy Darling, Stripey Pirate, and Merida. This was Butterick 4827, with sleeves scrambled together by me. I may NEVER sew with knit fabric again. Sold this one one eBay.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gibson Girls - April 2013 Gaskell Ball

For the April Gaskell Ball, the unofficial theme was "Gibson Girls"! It was a costuming challenge, and we such beautiful results! We were appropriately haughty and broke many hearts, just like a Gibson Girl should.
Very proper
My gown was made up of two patterns and sleeve drafted by my clever friend Elizabeth P. The bodice was Simplicity 2851, and the skirt was Burda 1888, minus the bustle apron.
The fabric was from Triad Plus Fabric; a very pretty blue poly taffeta. it all went together easily, and I ended up cutting off the silly tails that the bodice is supposed to have. I also made it lace up the back. (ANYTHING to avoid hooks and eyes!)
 The best part for me was getting recreate an original drawing by Charles Dana Gibson!
A Little Story. By a Sleeve.
And our version:
Many thanks to Gregory!

Smiles all around

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Unsinkables - 1912 Titanic Evening Gown

To commemorate the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, a few of us Gaskell Ball ladies decided to wear Edwardian Era Gowns to the April 2012 Ball. Here are my efforts.
Thank you, American Duchess!
 I used the Titanic Simplicity Pattern 8389, with a few minor changes. The dress is poly shantung (wrong side, as I liked the shiny factor) and the overlay is Point d'esprit lace. It's all trimmed with strands of sequins and the sleeves are caught up with some sequin trim. (Thanks to my Mum for the idea!) I cheated and used a lapped zipper (thanks again Mum) and it worked really well.

It went together pretty easily, and was fun to wear! I will probably use the pattern again at some point.
"Yes, we DO travel first class, thank you!"
There were so many lovely gowns at the ball, and such an interest in the challenge of creating costumes for a given era, that we did it again for the April 2013 ball. This time we went with "Gibson Girls" theme. (photos to come!)
The End

Sunday, March 31, 2013

New blog, and I feel like it's going to be in flux pretty often. So bear with me. Thanks! :)